If you don’t have a credit card, you might actually be losing out! Find out top reasons why should have a credit card, including how it can actually help you save money.
1. Save More Money
When used right, credit cards can actually help you save money. Features such as rewards points and cashback can help you offset your spending. For example, if you use a credit card which gives a good cashback rate for groceries like the Hong Leong Wise Card – it gives 10% fixed cashback rate with a minimum spending requirement of RM2000. By making collective purchases with this card, you can get up to RM100 every month! And don’t worry, most credit cards offer cashback for various purchase categories so you can save money with your online shopping when you dine out, and even for your petrol.
You can also collect reward points when you make purchases with stores that are entitled to points with your credit card. The points you collect can then be used to redeem items with partnering merchants, such as household items, gadget and even cash vouchers.
2. To Get Better Insurance Deals
Did you know that you can get good insurance deals with your credit card? For most credit cards which offer this, you can get FREE travel insurance if you purchase flight tickets with your credit card. Which means you will be covered for delays, lost baggage and even theft during your travels.
That’s not all, some credit cards will also ensure that your family and loved ones are not burdened with your credit card payment should any unforeseen event happen to you. A credit card holder is entitled to a protection plan of their outstanding balance in the event of death or total and permanent disability.
3. Ease and Convenience
You won’t have to carry around a lot of cash with you as using a credit card provides you with safety, and convenience. You can also make big purchases easier with a credit card. Need that new laptop or a fridge, but don’t have enough cash to pay for it in full? You can purchase items you need with flexible repayment options at 0% interest with Interest Payment Plans. But you must be disciplined because if you miss one payment during the installment period, you will be charged a really high interest.
4. Cool extra perks
As an incentive, many credit cards offer advantages to their card holders such as exclusive promotions and discounts when making payment with the credit card. Usually,cardholders get to enjoy promotions like buy 1 free 1 or a discount off the total bill by simply paying with the credit card.
If you’re a frequent traveler, an air miles credit card will not just help you save money but also make your travels more comfortable. You may been titled access to airport lounges, and also free flight tickets by redeeming the air miles you have collected.
If you’ve always been scared of using a credit card, now you know that it can actually benefit you if you use it wisely. But remember, you will only get to reap benefits of a credit card if you use it right. Make sure you pay your amount due on time and always pay more than the minimum to get the most out of using a credit card! Compare and find the best credit card for free to help you save more money on CompareHero.my.
The post 4 Top Reasons Why You Should Have Credit Card appeared first on MisterLeaf.